„Kill a Million“
(Black / Thrash / Punk)
Wertung: gut
VÖ: 26.04.2015
Label: Eigenproduktion
Webseite: Bandcamp
Micael Zetterberg is one of the busiest guys in the metal underground. In „rapid fire mode“ he releases new stuff regularly. One of the latest releases is „Kill a Million“ under the flag of AGGRESSIVE MUTILATOR. But who could blame him?! He’s so full of creativity and energy… and his demos / records are all fun to listen to!
This new demo features three tracks and to me he′s combining his Black / Thrash roots with his love for Punk / Hardcore (SIGURIMI) more than ever. The tracks are fast and furious, definately rooted in early Black and Thrash Metal but with a harsh Hardcore-vibe. The three tracks „Femfemma“, „Kill a Million“ and „Unseen massacre“ (my personal favourite) suffer a little from a „flat“ production, but they surely kick ass. Fans of raw and real underground music should give it a try. (chris)