SHORES OF NULL :: Neues Video zu „Destination Woe“

Die italienische Dark/Doom Metal Band SHORES OF NULL bereitet sich auf die Veröffentlichung ihres neuen Albums „The Loss of Beauty“ vor, das am 24. März über Spikerot Records erscheinen wird. Zur Unterstützung des bald erscheinenden Albums hat die Band ein Musikvideo für den Track „Destination Woe“ veröffentlicht.

Shores of Null on „Destination Woe“:
„This is the opening track of our new album ‘The Loss Of Beauty’, if we don’t count the instrumental intro. The lyrics take inspiration from the aesthetic of Wabi-Sabi, which in the Japanese culture consists in the appreciation of all that is imperfect, incomplete, transient. This is actually a recurrent theme throughout the entire album. Beauty can also be intangible, like it can be a childhood memory or a pleasant episode in our life that will never come back, thus giving us a feeling of melancholy. Nothing is forever and we must be aware that everything comes to an end, in this perspective everything that is ephemeral becomes even more beautiful.”