DELIRIO AND THE PHANTOMS :: Debütalbum des Death SS Keyboarders

Am 16. Juni veröffentlichten DELIRIO AND THE PHANTOMS – das neue Projekt von Freddy Delirio (DEATH SS, FREDDY DELIRIO AND THE PHANTOMS) und seinem Sohn Chris Delirio – ihr Debütalbum „Platinum“ via Fuel Records/Self. Um die Veröffentlichung zu feiern, stellt die Band wöchentlich die offiziellen Videos zu den Songs des Albums vor auf

Freddy Delirio, historical keyboardist of Death SS with whom he has an extensive discography produced by himself at an artistic level, has reached the top of the charts on more than one occasion (among the many records: Ten, Rock’n’Roll Armageddon, Resurrection, The Darkest night etc.) to which is added a very important live activity as a headline Singer and founder of H.A.R.E.M., with 22 years of discography (Fuel Records – SELF Distribution) and concerts to his credit, he has been a producer and sound engineer for over 30 years (professor Production Bachelor Jam Academy). Owner of the FP Recording Studio with hundreds of productions made internationally, he arrives at a new record and project called Delirio and The Phantoms.

Freddy comments: „Delirio And The Phantoms is an evolution of my previous solo project. Now the presence of my son Christian ‚Chris Delirio‘ plays a key role in composition, recording, arrangement and production. I feel supported by a true professional. We worked together during every stage of the realisation of ‚Platinum‘, from the moment of songwriting to the final production‘.
Angel Witch’s bass player Riddles is the special guest on “Free Man”, alongside with David Smith (Gypsy’s Kiss).
Freddy continues: “The album ‚Platinum‘ has a varied sound, featuring different sonorities in a dynamic way. The original sound, which is typical of this band, is held together by a common thread in a kind of journey where the themes, sometimes addressed to the metaphysical world, in other cases more historical and in others still more personal, are the result of real feelings and real life“.