ELLENDE :: Neues Album im Fullstream

Am 21. Januar ist das neue Album der östereichischen Atmosperic Black Metaller ELLENDE bei AOP Records erschienen. Die drei langen Tracks auf „Triebe“ könnt ihr euch auf dem Labelkanal in voller Länge anhören.
facebook.com/ellende.official / facebook.com/aoprecs

Founded in 2011 by multi-instrumentalist L.G., ELLENDE has always strived for the melancholy, anger, and beauty that is buried in our mere existence and misanthropy. Deeply rooted in black metal, the project didn’t fear wisely selected instrumentation in order to achieve a unique atmosphere and songwriting style. Together with studio- and livedrummer P.F., mastermind L.G. has entered studio again in 2020 to record „Triebe“ at Klangschmiede Studio E. This record is an adaptation, interpretation and mix of previous and new material which has utter importance to the OEuvre of ELLENDE. This extended version contains an overall playtime of half an hour with three songs and is released as various limited vinyl editions, a black vinyl edition and digipack with 8-side booklet.