VREID :: Rolling Stones Cover „Paint it Black“

2020 wurde die norwegische Black’n’Roll-Brigade VREID vom norwegischen Friedensnobelzentrum und dem Inferno-Festival eingeladen, im Rahmen der Reihe „Lieder, die die Welt veränderten“ ein Cover auszuwählen und aufzuführen. Aus den bekannten Gründen konnte die Veranstaltung nicht stattfinden.

VREID beschlossen, das Projekt fortzusetzen und nahmen den Song „Paint it Black“ auf, ein Rolling Stones-Cover, das nun über den Season of Mist Youtube Channel zu hören ist.

VREID songwriter and bass player Jarle Kvåle comments: „This one of the most important songs for the rock ’n roll genre and a blueprint for heavy music culture which has grown into a many headed beast in the past seven decades.

When the song was recorded, we also made video for it. We used our wizard brothers Håvard Nesbø and Kim Holm to create a homage to the crazy world of rock n´ roll. Håvard, who produced our Wild North West, movie produced the music video together with Kim who created the artwork for ‚Solverv‘ and ‚Welcome Farewell‘.

This song and video are a celebration of the fantastic creativity that sprung into creation in the 1960ies and which inspired many great artists ever since. We have incorporated our humble respect to many of our heroes in this video, and it was fascinating to see how naturally this song fit into our own universe.“