NIGHTFALL :: Brandneuen Song veröffentlicht

Die griechischen Metaller NIGHTFALL bringen den ersten Titel ihres brandneuen Opus „At Night We Prey“ heraus. Das neue Album soll am 05. März 2021 veröffentlicht werden. „Darkness Forever“ kann jetzt über den offiziellen Season of Mist YouTube-Kanal angesehen werden.

Vocalist Efthimis comments on the track: „This song was originally inspired by Isaac Asimov’s nouvelle Nightfall. It is called ‚Darkness Forever‘ because of its analogy to what one experiences when in deep depression. Hope seems to be nowhere near and help from others is never enough to bridge the gap between shattered psyche and real world. Incapacity to communicate this harsh condition, to explain what all is about, is suffocating. And as all beings struggling to breathe, reactions are neurotic and violent.“