Die norwegischen Black Metaller MORK veröffentlichen am 5. März ihr fünftes Album „Katedralen“, das bei Peaceville Records als CD, Gatefold LP Black Vinyl und digital erscheinen wird. Zum Track „Svartmalt“ featuring Nocturno Culto haben sie nun ein Video veröffentlicht. https://www.facebook.com/MORKOFFICIAL
‚Katedralen‘ was performed and recorded by Eriksen at Likkjelleren Studio; mixed by both him and Freddy Holm at Kleiva Studio and with mastering once more carried out by Jack Control at Enormous Door (Darkthrone). The album also notably includes guest appearances from Nocturno Culto (Darkthrone), Dolk(Kampfar), & Eero Pöyry of funeral doom masters Skepticism.
„My new single is here. „SVARTMALT“!! This is a rocking black metal track! I’m shutting all the doors, boarding up all the windows and painting it all black! That’s pretty much a direct translation from the song’s Norwegian theme. When Nocturno Culto & I got together in the studio to figure out which of the tracks would fit him best, this one struck hard, it’s a primitive and balls out rocker, we knew this was the one – it had to be „Svartmalt“. The world seems to have gone to shit, so why not paint it black on top. Ugh!“ comments Thomas Eriksen.