AETERNUS :: Neues Album in 2023 bei Agonia Records

Agonia Records gibt das Signing der norwegischen Dark Metal Urgesteine AETERNUS bekannt. Die Band gibt ihrem neuen Album, das noch in diesem Jahr erscheinen soll, den letzten Schliff.

„For those of you who have been following us on our social media channels, it is no secret that we have been recording a new album,“ comments AETERNUS. „We’re happy to announce that we’ve signed to Agonia Records to release this beast. Agonia’s hard work and dedication to their artists has been very well noticed and we believe they will be a great match for us to take the next step.“

AETERNUS was formed by Ares in 1993 in Bergen, Norway. AETERNUS pioneered the genre Dark Metal; combining Black Metal and Death Metal with elements of classical and folk music. The band creates its trademark sound by layering superlative guitar playing and haunting, melodic interludes.