AARA :: Neue Digital EP angekündigt

Die Schweizer Black Metal Band AARA kündigt die Veröffentlichung einer neuen digitalen EP mit dem Titel „Phthonos“ über Debemur Morti Productions an. Die beiden Tracks dieser Veröffentlichung entstanden unabhängig von der laufenden „Melmoth“-Album-Trilogie und entstammen dem Wunsch der Künstler, mit einem etwas anderen Ansatz des Black Metal zu experimentieren, ohne die Kohärenz der dreiteiligen Triade zu stören.

Guitarist and composer Berg notes:
„Both songs have been composed and recorded between the albums „Triade II“ and „Triade III“. It is rare that we develop tracks which are not planned for a specific release. These two pieces on „Phthonos“, however, were so different that they did not fit on any of the AARA long players we are currently preparing – neither on the last part of the Melmoth trilogy nor on the already planned follow up album. As a nice side effect, this gave us the chance to experiment with the production of these two compositions since they did not have to be used in a specific album context in which all tracks should, of course, sound pretty coherent.“

01. Phthonos I
02. Phthonos II
„Phthonos“ will be released digitally on October 7th.