BLODTÅR :: Letzte Single „I avgrundens djup“ vor Album-VÖ

„Det förtegna förflutna“ („Die geheimnisvolle und stille Vergangenheit“) – das Debütalbum des schwedischen Black-Metal-Duos BLODTÅR – soll am 21. April 2023 erscheinen. Nun präsentieren sie die dritte und letzte Single: „I avgrundens djup“ („In den Tiefen des Abgrunds“).
Streaming and download:

Blodtår commented:
“I avgrundens djup” truly embodies the signature Blodtår sound; I consider it one of the standout tracks from “Det förtegna förflutna”. Moreover, writing a homage to the Hårga Legend – which is one of Sweden’s darkest folk tales – was a tremendous honour.

The full name of the track is ‘They dance upon the mountain… in the depths of the abyss’ and it tells the tragic story of the Hårga Dance. My interpretation of the legend is based on the most captivating sources, which paint a picture of a fateful night in Hårga, Hälsingland. At a local barn dance, a mysterious fiddler appears and introduces an unheard-of music style. The youth in attendance can’t resist the music’s call, and they join in the dance, unable to stop themselves. The fiddler – with his burning eyes, cloven hooves, and magical music – leads them out of the barn and up the Hårga Mountain, where they eventually dance to their deaths.

Today, at the foot of the mountain, on nights of the full moon, one can still hear the fiddler’s music. To this day, Hälsingehambon, an annual dance competition, draws inspiration from the Hårga Legend.