Die Horror/Gothic Metaller THEATRES DES VAMPIRES sind zurück mit ihrem lang erwarteten neuen Album „In Nomine Sanguinis“, das am 19. November bei Scarlet Records erscheinen wird. www.facebook.com/TheatresDesVampires
Info: Theatres Des Vampires return to the scene of the crime with an extraordinary effort: stylish cinematic and horror orchestrations, smart dark electro sounds and lush catchy/poppy vocal lines will resonate in your head through all these meticulously crafted ten new songs.
Some of the intriguing lyrics conceived by leader and frontwoman Sonya Scarlet have roots in decadent romantic literature such as Goethe’s ‘The Bride of Corinth’ and Francis Marion Crawford’s ‘For the Blood Is the Life’; others represent a descent into the abyss of the human soul and the very esoteric nature of life.
Overall, ‘In Nomine Sanguinis’ is the quintessential modern vampiric manifesto.