NIGHTFALL :: Neues (un)zensiertes Video vom aktuellen Album

Die griechischen Dark Metaller NIGHTFALL haben das offizielle Musikvideo zum Song „Martyrs of the Cult of the Dead (Agita)“ online gestellt. Das Video, das von Antoine de Montremy erstellt wurde, kann zensiert über den Season of Mist YouTube Kanal angesehen werden. Die unzensierte Version des Videos kann über OnlyFans angeschaut werden: /

NIGHTFALL vocalist Efthimis Karadimas comments, „We are honored to have our ‚Martyrs of the Cult of the Dead,‘ aka ‚Agita,‘ being made by Antoine de Montremy, the producer of Chris Holmes‘ documentary ‚Mean Man‘ (official selection in 2020 Hollywood Gold Awards, Florence Film Awards, Orlando Film Festival and FMX) and his fabulous team. The video is based on ‚Agita‘ lyrics and it represents the struggle with depression through its personification in female form (the word „depression“ is a female noun in the Greek language).“