PURE WRATH :: Album des indonesischen Atmospheric Black Metal Soloprojektes im Fullstream

Die indonesische atmosphärische und symphonische Black Metal-Soloband PURE WRATH hat ihre neue EP „The Forlorn Soldier“ nun bei Debemur Morti Productions veröffentlicht. Die knapp 30-minütige EP kann auf dem YouTube Kanal Black Metal Promotion angehört werden.
facebook.com/purewrath / purewrath.bandcamp.com / facebook.com/debemurmorti

Promoinfo: Formed 2014 in West Java, PURE WRATH is the solo project of multi-instrumentalist Januaryo Hardy, who presents here an emotive 3-track, almost-half-hour exploration of events behind a brutal incident during the 60s genocide in Indonesia where male members of a family were kidnapped and „vanished“ by a tyrannical army in the name of „oso-called nationalism“.

Darker, more immersive, expansive and organic than previous work, „The Forlorn Soldier“ goes deeper still – through powerful melodic cascades, impassioned vocals, skilled guest drumwork from Yurii Kononov (ex-WHITE WARD) and piano contributions by Dice Midyanti (VICTORIAN) – to an all-encompassing realm where mythic dreamscapes meet bloody thematic realism.